














2005年2月-2006年2月,美國佛羅裡達州立大學 COAPS,訪問學者

2008年3月-2015年10月,美國密歇根大學/NOAA 大湖環境研究室

2017年7月-2022年6月   伟德国际1916备用网址副院長










極地海洋學 (碩士)





1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:海冰-海洋應力變化對北冰洋上層環流的影響(批準号:42276254),2023.1-2026.12, 56萬,主持

2. 國家重點研發計劃:“全球變化及應對”專項項目“地球系統模式各分量模式及其耦合評估體系的發展與應用”課題2:海洋-海冰參量和物理過程的觀測數據集構建與模式評估(課題編号: 2017YFA0604602),2017.7.1-2022.6.30, 217萬元,主持

3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:北極海冰快速減退對太平洋扇區海洋環流和溫鹽結構的影響(批準号:41676019)2017.1-2020.12  69萬元 主持

4.  河海大學中央高校基本科研業務費項目:中國近海熱力結構的年際變化與大尺度大氣海洋異常的聯系,2016.1-2018.12 30萬元 主持

5. 國家重點研發計劃:“海洋環境安全保障”專項:“高分辨率全球海洋環境數值預報系統”項目骨幹(2016YFC1401406),2016.7-2020.12 參加

6.中科院創新工程項目,KZCX2-207, “中國主要河口及鄰近陸架海域陸海相互作用研究”課題:長江入海物質的通量變異及其在鄰近海域的擴散、遷移規律 2000.7-2003.7,12萬,已結題 主持

7.國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973),2006CB403600, 亞印太交彙區海氣相互作用及其對我國短期氣候的影響, 2006.9-2011.9 30萬元 已結題 參加(子課題之專題負責人)

8.青島市科技局院士專項, OZKJYSH-03, 西太平洋環流變異及其對亞洲季風的影響, 2002.6-2005.12, 100萬元, 已結題 第二負責人

9.國家自然科學基金青年項目,40306006 ,印度尼西亞貫通流變異在印度洋上層海洋海溫及亞洲季風年際變化中的作用,2004.01-2006.12 27萬元 主持

10.國家自然科學基金面上項目,40776013 ,低頻斜壓Rossby波對熱帶印度洋上層海洋熱力結構年際變化的影響,2008.01-2010.12 38萬元 主持

11.Linking Climate Scenarios and Teleconnection to Great Lakes Ice, precipitation, and Water Levels. U.S. National Research Council Research Associateship Programs awards to XuezhiBai. 2009-2011

12.Measuring and modeling the impact of ice on surface fluxes, thermal structure and circulation in Lake Erie, NSF, PI: Dmitry Beletsky, co-PIs: JNathan Hawley; Jia Wang, Xuezhi Bai, 2009-2013 $629,396

13. Modeling sea ice-ocean-ecosystem responses to climate changes in the Bering-Chukchi- Beaufort seas with data assimilation of RUSALCA measurements, $200K/year, NOAA, PI: Jia Wang, co-PI: XuezhiBai, Haoguo Hu. 2007-2014





Jiang, X., X. Bai*, H. Liu, H. Jiang, 2023 Impact of an Ice-Associated Atmospheric Front on the Lower Atmosphere in the Marginal Ice Zone over the Arctic Canadian Basin: A Case Study, (submitted to JGR-Atmosphere)

Zhang,H., A. Stroto, X. Bai*, and C. Yang, 2024, Modeled feedback induced by sea ice meltwater release in the Arctic ice-ocean system, (submitted to JGR-Oceans

Zhang, H., X. Bai*, and K. Wang, 2023, Response of the Arctic sea ice-ocean system to melt water perturbations based on a one dimensional model study, Ocean Science,19,1649-1668, https://doi.org/10.5194/os-19-1649-2023 (published 29 Nov. 2023)

Huang. Y, X. Bai* and H. Leng, 2022. Synoptic-scale variability in the Beaufort High and spring ice opening in the Beaufort Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.929209 

Leng H., M. Spall, and X. Bai, 2022, Temporal Evolution of a Geostrophic Current under Sea Ice: Analytical and Numerical Solutions, Journal of Physical Oceanography, https//doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-21-0242.1

田引,白學志*,黃穎祺,2021,北冰洋穿極流強度和源頭位置變動機制分析,極地研究, doi:10.13679/j.jdyj.20210034


Leng, H., Spall, M. A., Pickart, R. S., Lin, P., & Bai, X. (2021). Origin and fate of the chukchi slope current using a numerical model and In‐situ data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017291. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JC017291

Wang,J.,X. Bai*,H. Leng, 2021, Examination of seasonal variations of the equatorial undercurrent termination in the eastern Pacific diagnosed by ECCO2, J of Oceanology and Limnology, doi:10.1007/s00343-021-0308-6.

Yang, Y., X. Bai*, 2020, Summer changes in water mass characteristics and vertical thermal-structure in the eastern Chukchi Sea, 1974-2017, Water,12,1434, doi:10.3390/w12051434.

Leng, H. and X. Bai*, 2018, Baroclinic Instability of nonzonal flows and bottom slope effects on the propagation of the most unstable waves, J. Physical Oceanography, 48(12):2923-2936 DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0087.1 

Jia Wang, James Kessler, Xuezhi Bai, Anne Clites, Brent Lofgren, Alexandre Assuncao,John Bratton, Philip Chu, and George Leshkevich, 2018: Decadal Variability of Great Lakes Ice Cover in Response to AMO and PDO, 1963–2017, J of Climate, 31(18).

Bai, X. H. Hu, J. Wang, Y. Yu, E. Cassano, J. Maslanik, 2015: Responses of surface heat flux, sea ice and ocean dynamics in the Chukchi- Beaufort Sea to storm passages during winter 2006/2007: A numerical study. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 102, 101-117. Doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2015.04.008 

Bai, X., J. Wang, J. Austin, D. J. Schwab, R. Assel, Anne Clites, J. Braton, M. Colton, J. Lenters, B. Lofgren, T. Wohlleben, S. Helfric, H. A. Vanderploeg, L. Luo, and G. Leshkevich, 2015: A record low ice cover over the Great Lakes during winter 2011/2012: combined effects of La Niña and +NAO. Climate Dynamics,44, 1187-1213. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-014-2225-2. 

Wang, J., K. Mizobata, X. Bai, H. Hu, M. Jin, Y. Yu, M. Ikeda, W. Johnson, W. Perie, and A. Fujisaki (2014), A modeling study of coastal circulation and landfast ice in the nearshore Beaufort and Chukchi seas using CIOM, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119, doi:10.1002/2013JC009258.

Bai, X., J. Wang, D. Schwab, Y. Yang, L. Luo, G. Leshkevich and S. Liu, 2013, Modeling 1993-2008 climatology of seasonal general circulation and thermal structure in the Great Lakes with FVCOM.Ocean Modelling, 65, 40-63. Doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2013.02.003.

Fujisaki, A, J Wang, X. Bai, B. Lofgren, and G. Leshkevich, 2013, Model-simulated interannual variability of Lake Erie ice cover, circulation, and thermal structure in response to atmospheric forcing, 2003-2012, Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 1-9, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20312.2013.

Bai, X., and J. Wang, 2012,Atmospheric teleconnection patterns associated with severe and least ice cover on the Great Lakes, 1963-2011. Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 47 (3-4),421-435,DOI:10.2166/wqrjc.2012.009.

Luo, L., J. Wang, D. J. Schwab, H. Vanderploeg, G. Leshkevich, X. Bai, H. Hu, and D. Wang, 2012, Simulating the 1998 spring bloom in Lake Michigan using a coupled physical-biological model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 117, C10, doi:10.1029/2012JC008216

Bai, X., J. Wang, C. E. Sellinger, A. H. Clites, and R.A. ASSEL, 2012: Interannual variability of Great Lakes ice cover and its relationship to NAO and ENSO. Journal of Geophysical Research 117(C03002): 25 pp. (DOI:10.1029/2010JC006932).

Wang, J., X. Bai, H. Hu, A. H. Clites, M. C. Colton, and B. M. Lofgren, 2012: Temporal and spatial variability of Great Lakes ice cover, 1973-2010. Journal of Climate 25(4): 1318-1329 (DOI:10.1175/2011JCLI4066.1).

Bai, X., J. Wang, Q. Liu, D. Wang, and Y. Liu, 2011: Severe ice conditions in the Bohai Sea, China and mild ice conditions in the Great Lakes during the 2009/2010 winter: Links to El Niño and a strong negative Arctic Oscillation. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 50:1922-1935 (DOI:10.1175/2011JAMC2675.1).

Feng, J., X. Bai, Y. Chen and D. Hu, 2010: Effect of low-frequency Rossby wave on thermal structure of the upper southwestern tropical Indian Ocean. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 28 (2), pp.344-353

Feng, J., X. Bai, 2010: Impacts of the tropical Pacific coupled process on the interannual variability in   the Indian Ocean. Journal of Tropical Meteorology,16 (3), 272-279.

Pang, C., X. Bai, H. Bai and F. Wang, 2005: Seasonal evolution of circulation and thermal structure in the Yellow Sea, Chinese J. of Oceanology and limnology, 23(3), 269-274.

Pang,C.,X.Bai, and D. Hu, 2004. The transport and sedimentation of suspended matter and their seasonal variation are affected by circulation and tide current in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. Studia Marina Sinica,46, 32-41 (In Chinese).

Bai, X., and D. Hu, 2004: A Numerical study on seasonal variations of Taiwan Warm Current and Kuroshio Intrusion. Chinese J. of Oceanology and limnology22 (3): 278-285. 

Bai, X., and F. Wang, 2003: Numerical study on the mechanism of the expansion of the Changjiang River diluted water in summer, Oceania and LiminaSinica, 34 (6): 593-603. (in Chinese)

Bai, X., F. Wang, and D. Hu, 2003: Numerical Simulation of the Circulation in the East China Seas, Studia Marina Sinica, 45, 75-83. (in Chinese with English Abstract)

Bai, X, and A. Wu, 2003: The impacts of El Nino on large-scale circulation of Southeast Asian summer monsoon, Chin. J. Ocean. Limnol., 21(2): 97-105.

Bai, X., H. Bai, D. Hu, and F. Wang, 2001,Cyclonic recirculation on the left-hand side of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 13 (3), 133-137. 

Chen, Y., and X. Bai, 2000: A study on the relationships between the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon and the anomalies of tropical ocean and atmospheric circulations, Climatic and Environmental Research, 5(4). (in Chinese with English abstract)

Yu, Z., and X. Bai, 1998: Thermodynamic model of sea ice and numerical simulation of seasonal variations of sea ice in Arctic. Marine Forecast, 15(2): 1-15 (in Chinese with English abstract).





2023年江蘇省優秀博士學位論文獎 指導教師















