


Email: tianchenhe@hhu.edu.cn




2013 - 2017英國倫敦大學學院 (University College London),博士(地球化學)

2010 - 2013南京大學,碩士(礦産普查與勘探)

2006 - 2010東華理工大學,學士(資源勘查工程)


2024 - 至今:河海大學,海洋科學實驗中心主任

2023 - 至今:河海大學,教授 / 2023年入選國家海外優青,江蘇特聘教授

2023 - 至今:英國利茲大學 (University of Leeds),客座教授

2017 - 2022:英國利茲大學 (University of Leeds),博士後/研究員

2020.9 - 2020.10:英國牛津大學 (University of Oxford),訪問博士後

2017 - 2023:英國倫敦New Chapters教育俱樂部進化論:追随達爾文的足迹科普項目,公益學術顧問

2014 - 2017:英國倫敦大學學院 (University College London),助教(同位素地質學、地球曆史)







(4)深時數據庫建設 (Deep-time Digital Earth; DDE) 和地球系統模型研究 (COPSESCION)




2024 - 至今:國際大陸科學鑽探計劃(ICDP)項目:中侏羅世地球系統與時間标尺(Middle Jurassic Earth System and Timescale; MJET)在研共同首席科學家

2024 - 2026:國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目(海外):沉積地球化學與深時地球系統演變在研主持

2024 - 2026:江蘇省“雙創計劃”教育類項目(江蘇特聘教授計劃)在研主持

2024 - 2025:南京留學人員科技創新項目擇優資助計劃C類項目在研主持

2024 - 2027:國家自然科學基金面上項目:三疊紀末-早侏羅世海洋氧化還原狀态的連續演變與磷循環研究在研主持

2024 - 2028:國家重點研發計劃:地球深時大洋缺氧事件與環境演變(課題二:大洋缺氧事件海洋氧化還原狀态的精細刻畫),在研專題主持

2019 - 2028國家自然科學基金基礎科學中心項目(大陸演化與季風系統演變:大陸演化與海洋環境方向),在研專題主持

2024 2025河海大學高層次人才平台建設計劃專項在研主持

2021 - 2024:國家自然科學基金面上項目:華南寒武紀早-中期海洋氮循環和氧化還原狀态的時空演化研究,在研,參與

2023 - 2024:中央高校基本科研業務費(河海大學引進教師科研啟動費),結題主持

2023 - 2023:河海大學國際合作交流引導資金專項項目(深時數字地球國際大科學計劃深時水循環國際研究中心籌備專項),結題主持

2019 - 2020:中國科學院資源地層學與古地理學重點實驗室開放課題基金:早寒武世海水锂同位素示蹤大陸風化作用及對動物輻射事件的意義,結題,主持

2017 - 2023:英國自然環境研究理事會重大項目:Integrated Understanding of the Early Jurassic Earth System and Timescale (JET),結題,骨幹參與

2016 - 2018:英國倫敦地質協會William George Fearnsides基金Tracing the continental weathering history during the Cambrian Explosion using lithium isotopes,結題,主持

2015 - 2021:國際大陸科學鑽探計劃 (ICDP_JET)Integrated Understanding of the Early Jurassic Earth System and TimescaleMoratorium Phase,骨幹參與

2013 - 2017:國家重點基礎研究發展計劃973計劃):從雪球事件到寒武紀大爆發:距今6億年前後的生物與環境演變,結題,參與

2013 - 2017:國家自然科學基金重點項目:新元古代-寒武紀早期古海水化學演化與大陸風化作用的同位素示蹤研究,結題,參與

2012 - 2014:國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目:華埃迪卡拉紀-寒武紀過渡時期揚子南緣海氧化還原狀态時空演變,結題,參與

2011 - 2015:英國自然環境研究理事會中英合作項目:The Long-term co-Evolution of Life and the Planet,結題,參與



2024 - 至今:中國大洋礦産資源研究開發協會深海環境科學與技術分會,會員

2021 - 至今:國際地球科學計劃委員會 IGCP 739: The Mesozoic-Palaeogene hyperthermal events,項目秘書

2023 - 至今:國家自然科學基金委 (NSFC) 基金項目,評審專家

2020 - 至今:英國自然環境研究理事會 (NERC) 基金項目,評審專家

2024 - 至今:《Discover Oceans》,編委

2022 - 至今:《Frontiers in Geochemistry》,評審編輯

2022 - 2023:《Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionFrontiers in Earth Sciences,客座專輯主編

2021 - 2023:《Global and Planetary Change》,客座專輯主編

2025. 01:7th廈門海洋環境開放科學大會分會場,召集人

2024. 05:6th國際古地理學大會分會場,召集人

2023. 12AGU23美國地球物理學會秋季會議分會場,召集人

2022. 0821st國際沉積學大會分會場,召集人

2017 - 至今:歐洲地球化學學會會員、倫敦地質學會會員、國際沉積學家協會會員、美國地球物理學會會員

期刊論文評議包括:Science, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Communications Earth & Environment, Geology, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geophysical Research Letters, Sedimentology, Global and Planetary Changes, Precambrian Research, Chemical Geology, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology PaleoecologyEpisodes, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Sedimentary Geology, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, Ore Geology ReviewsGeological Journal, Journal of Geological Society, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, International Journal of Earth Sciences, FaciesPalaeoworld, 中國科學-地球科學地質學報, 沉積學報高校地質學報






2022A Success in the Face of Adversity Award(逆境成功獎),英國利茲大學地表科學研究所

2020Early Career Scientist of the Year 2020 2020年度青年科學家),英國利茲大學地表科學研究所

2020The Awesome Lab Colleague Award (最佳實驗室同事獎) 利茲大學地表科學研究所

2014Overseas Research Scholarship(海外科研獎學金),英國倫敦大學學院

2013Dean's Prize(院長獎學金),英國倫敦大學學院


論文論著:ResearchGate  Google Scholar


(1)He, T., Zhu, M., Mills, B.J.W., Wynn, P.M., Zhuravlev, A.Y., Tostevin, R., Pogge von Strandmann, P.A.E., Yang, A., Poulton, S.W., Shields, G.A., 2019. Possible links between extreme oxygen perturbations and the Cambrian radiation of animals. Nature Geoscience 12, 468474. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-019-0357-z

(2)He, T., Dal Corso, J., Newton, R.J., Wignall, P.B., Mills, B.J.W., Todaro, S., Di Stefano, P., Turner, E.C., Jamieson, R.A., Randazzo, V., Rigo, M., Jones, R.E., Dunhill, A.M., 2020. An enormous sulfur isotope excursion indicates marine anoxia during the end-Triassic mass extinction. Science Advances 6, eabb6704https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abb6704

(3)He, T., Wignall, P.B., Newton, R.J., Atkinson, J.W., Keeling, J.F., Xiong, Y., Poulton, S.W., 2022. Extensive marine anoxia in the European epicontinental sea during the end-Triassic mass extinction. Global and Planetary Change 210, 103771. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103771

(4)He, T., Newton, R.J., Wignall, P.B., Reid, S., Dal Corso, J., Takahashi, S., Wu, H., Todaro, S., Di Stefano, P., Randazzo, V., Rigo, M., Dunhill, A.M., 2022. Shallow ocean oxygen decline during the end-Triassic mass extinction. Global and Planetary Change 210, 103770. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2022.103770

(5)He, T., Kemp, D.B., Li, J., Ruhl, M., 2023. Paleoenvironmental changes across the Mesozoic–Paleogene hyperthermal events. Global and Planetary Change 222, 104058. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104058


2021 - 2023主編 Paleoenvironmental changes across the Mesozoic–Paleogene hyperthermal events. Global and Planetary Changehttps://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/global-and-planetary-change/special-issue/10J1XGB0BNB

2022 - 2023:主編 Biogeochemical Changes Across the Mesozoic–Paleogene Climate Extremes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolutionhttps://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/43582/biogeochemical-changes-across-the-mesozoic-paleogene-climate-extremes



[40] Ke, W., Wei, G., Yin, Y., Yu, Z., He, T., Zhu, M., Ling, H., 2024. Low oxygen levels and fluctuated redox states of continental shelf seawater after the Cambrian explosion. Global and Planetary Change 243, 104596.

[39] Li, X., MA, A., HU, X., Garzanti, E., Jiang S., Chen, X., Kemp, D.B., Wang, J., He, L., Sun, G., An, W., Zhong, H., Wu, H., He, T., Wang, D., Sun, J., Li, T., Wang, X., Han Z., Zhang, S., Liang, W., Lai, W., Xu, Y., Xue, W., Wen, D., Jiang, J., Huang, D., 2024.  In memory of Dr Juan Li, a young geologist (1987-2023). Mesozoic1(3), 210-220

[38] Perković, I., Martinuš, M., Tešović, B.C., Martinuš, M., Vlahović, I., Razum, I., Škapin, S.D., Matešić, D., Mihovilović, M., He, T., Newton, R.J., Durn, G., 2024. Genesis of the Rovinj-1 bauxite deposit (Istria, Croatia): Record of palaeoclimatic trends and palaeoenvironmental changes during the Latest Jurassic of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform. Ore Geology Reviews, 173, 106236. 

[37] Dal Corso, J., Newton, R.J., Zerkle, A.L., Chu, D., Song, H., Song, H., Tian, L., Tong, J., Di Rocco, T., Claire, M.W., Mather, T.A., He, T., Gallagher, T., Shu, W., Wu, Y., Bottrell, S.H., Metcalfe, I., Cope, H.A., Novak, M., Jamieson, R.A., Wignall, P.B., 2024. Repeated pulses of volcanism drove the end-Permian terrestrial crisis in northwest China. Nature Communications 15, 7628.

[36] Liu, Y., Bowyer, F.T., Zhu, M., Xiong, Y., He, T., Han, M., Tang, X., Zhang, J., Poulton, S.W., 2024. Marine redox and nutrient dynamics linked to the Cambrian radiation of animals. Geology 52(9), 729-734.

[35] Yang, A., Chen, B., Sun, Z., Rostevin, R., He, T., Chen, X., Chen, J., Lu, M., Hu, C., Du, S., Chen, J., Jiao, W., Zhu, M., 2024. Shallow ocean deoxygenation drove trilobite turnover during the late Cambrian SPICE event. Geology 52(9), 661-666.

[34] Perković, I., Martinuš, M., Tešović, B.C., Vlahović, I., Matešić D., Newton, R.J., He, T., Šoufek, M., Razum, I., Durn, G., 2024. Tracing the evolution of the world's first mined bauxite from palaeotopography to pyritization: insights from Minjera deposits, Istria, Croatia. Geologia Croatica  77(2), 159-178.

[33] Yang, Y., Han, Z., Hu, X., He, T., Newton, R.J., Harvey, J., 2024. Strontium isotope evidence for regional enhanced continental weathering during the early Toarcian in the Tethys Himalaya. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 641, 112136.


[32] Hesselbo, S.P., Al-Suwaidi,  A., Baker, S.J., Ballabio, G., Belcher, C.M., Bond, A., Boomer, I., Bos, R., Bjerrum, C.J., Bogus, K., Boyle, R., Browning, J.V., Butcher, A.R., Condon, D.J., Copestake, P., Daines, S., Dalby, C., Damaschke, M., Damborenea, S.E., Deconinck, J.-F., Dickson, A.J., Fendley, I.M., Fox, C.P., Fraguas, A., Frieling, J., Gibson, T.A., He, T., Hickey, K., Hinnov, L.A., Hollaar, T.P., Huang, C., Hudson, A.J.L., Jenkyns, H.C., Idiz, E., Jiang, M., Krijgsman, W., Korte, C., Leng, M.J., Lenton, T.M., Leu, K., Little, C.T.S., MacNiocaill, C., Manceñido, M.O., Mather, T.A., Mattioli, E., Miller, K.G., Newton, R.J., Page, K.N., Pálfy, J., Pieńkowski, G., Porter, R.J., Poulton, S.W., Riccardi, A.C., Riding, J.B., Roper, A., Ruhl, M., Silva, R.L., Storm, M.S., Suan, G., Szűcs, D., Thibault, N., Uchman, A., Stanley, J.N., Ullmann, C.V., van de Schootbrugge, B., Vickers, M.L., Wadas, S., Whiteside, J.H., Wignall, P.B., Wonik, T., Xu, W., Zeeden, C., Zhao, K., 2023. Initial results of coring at Prees, Cheshire Basin, UK (ICDP JET project): towards an integrated stratigraphy, timescale, and Earth system understanding for the Early Jurassic. Scientific Drilling 32, 1-25.

[31] Zhang, B., Cao, J., Yao, S., Poulton, S.W., Wignall, P.B., He, T., Xiong, Y., Hu, W., 2023.  Widespread marine euxinia along the western Yangtze Platform caused by oxygen minimum zone expansion during the Capitanian mass extinction. Global and Planetary Change 230, 104273.

[30] Han, Z., Hu, X., Newton, R.J., He, T.Mills, B.J.W., Jenkyns, H.C., Ruhl, M., Jamieson, R.A., 2023. Spatially heterogenous seawater δ34S and global cessation of Ca-sulfate burial during the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 622, 118404.

[29] Zhang, Y., Mills, B.J.W., He, T.*, Zhu, M., Hu, X., 2023. Modeling hyperthermal events in the Mesozoic-Paleogene periods: A review. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11, 1226349.

[28] Shi, W., Mills, B.J.W., Algeo, T.J., Poulton, S.W., Newton, R.J., Dodd, M.S., Zhang, Z., Zheng, L., He, T., Hou, M., Li, C., 2023. Heterogeneous sulfide reoxidation buffered oxygen release in the Ediacaran Shuram ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 356, 149-164.

[27] Liu, Y., Zhao, M., He, T., Li, X., Poulton, S.W., 2023. Formation of molar tooth structures in low sulfate Precambrian oceans. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 354, 62-73.

[26] 張瑩剛, Mills, B.J.W., 何天辰, 楊濤, 朱茂炎. 2023. 顯生宙長時間尺度碳循環演變的模拟:現狀與展望. 科學通報 68, 1580-1592.

[25] 柯偉傑, 魏廣祎, 殷一盛, 何天辰, 俞志航, 淩洪飛. 2023. 揚子地塊南緣中-晚寒武世淺海多次短暫增氧及其誘因:來自碳酸鹽岩铈異常及碳-锶同位素證據. 地質學報 97(3), 789-809.

[24] He, T.*, Kemp, D.B., Li, J., Ruhl, M., 2023. Paleoenvironmental changes across the Mesozoic–Paleogene hyperthermal events. Global and Planetary Change 222, 104058.

[23] Chen, W., Kemp, D.B., He, T., Newton, R.J., Xiong, Y., Jenkyns, H.C., Izumi, K., Cho, T., Huang, C., Poulton, S.W., 2023. Shallow- and deep-ocean Fe cycling and redox evolution across the Pliensbachian–Toarcian boundary and Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in Panthalassa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 602, 117959.


[22] Chen, W., Kemp, D.B., Newton, R.J., He, T., Huang, C., Cho, T., Izumi, K., 2022. Major sulfur cycle perturbations in the Panthalassic Ocean across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian boundary and the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event. Global and Planetary Change 215, 103884.

[21] Liu, J., Cao, J., He, T., Liang, F., Pu, J., Wang, Y., 2022. Lacustrine redox variations in the Toarcian Sichuan Basin across the Jenkyns Event. Global and Planetary Change 215, 103860.

[20] Shi, W., Mills, B.J.W., Li, C., Poulton, S.W., Krause, A.J., He, T., Zhou, Y., Cheng, M., Shields, G.A., 2022. Decoupled oxygenation of the Ediacaran ocean and atmosphere during the rise of early animals. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 591, 117619.

[19] He, T.*, Wignall, P.B., Newton, R.J., Atkinson, J.W., Keeling, J.F., Xiong, Y., Poulton, S.W., 2022. Extensive marine anoxia in the European epicontinental sea during the end-Triassic mass extinction. Global and Planetary Change 210, 103771.

[18] He, T.*, Newton, R.J., Wignall, P.B., Reid, S., Dal Corso, J., Takahashi, S., Wu, H., Todaro, S., Di Stefano, P., Randazzo, V., Rigo, M., Dunhill, A.M., 2022. Shallow ocean oxygen decline during the end-Triassic mass extinction. Global and Planetary Change 210, 103770.

[17] Han, Z., Hu, X., He, T., Newton, R.J., Jenkyns, H., Jamieson, R., Franceschi, M., 2022. Early Jurassic long-term oceanic sulfur-cycle perturbations in the Tibetan Himalaya. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 578, 117261.

[16] Chen, B., Hu, C., Mills, B.J.W., He, T., Andersen, M.B., Chen, X., Liu, P., Lu, M., Newton, R.J., Poulton, S.W., Shields, G.A., Zhu, M., 2022. A short-lived oxidation event during the early Ediacaran and delayed oxygenation of the Proterozoic ocean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 577, 117274.


[15] Chen, W., Kemp, D.B., He, T., Huang, C., Jin, S., Xiong, Y., Newton, R.J., 2021. First record of the early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Hebrides Basin (UK) and implications for redox and weathering changes. Global and Planetary Change 207, 103685.

[14] Wei, G.-Y., Chen, T., Poulton, S.W., Lin, Y.-B., He, T., Shi, X., Chen, J., Li, H., Qiao, S., Liu, J., Ling, H.-F., 2021. A chemical weathering control on the delivery of particulate iron to the continental shelf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 308, 204-216.

[13] Chen, B., Chen, J., Qie, W., Huang, P., He, T., Joachimski, M.M., Regelous, M., Pogge von Strandmann, P.A.E., Liu, J., Wang, X., Montañez, I.P., Algeo, T.J., 2021. Was climatic cooling during the earliest Carboniferous driven by expansion of seed plants? Earth and Planetary Science Letters 565, 116953.

[12] Wei, G.-Y., Planavsky, N.J., He, T., Zhang, F., Stockey, R.G., Cole, D.B., Lin, Y.-B., Ling, H.-F., 2021. Global marine redox evolution from the late Neoproterozoic to the early Paleozoic constrained by the integration of Mo and U isotope records. Earth-Science Reviews 214, 103506.


[11] He, T.*, Dal Corso, J., Newton, R.J., Wignall, P.B., Mills, B.J.W., Todaro, S., Di Stefano, P., Turner, E.C., Jamieson, R.A., Randazzo, V., Rigo, M., Jones, R.E., Dunhill, A.M., 2020. An enormous sulfur isotope excursion indicates marine anoxia during the end-Triassic mass extinction. Science Advances 6, eabb6704.

[10] Zhou, Y., Pogge von Strandmann, P.A.E., Zhu, M., Ling, H., Manning, C., Li, D., He, T., Shields, G.A., 2020. Reconstructing Tonian seawater 87Sr/86Sr using calcite microspar. Geology 48, 462467.

[9] Zhang, Y., Yang, T., Hohl, S. V, Zhu, B., He, T., Pan, W., Chen, Y., Yao, X., Jiang, S., 2020. Seawater carbon and strontium isotope variations through the late Ediacaran to late Cambrian in the Tarim Basin. Precambrian Research 345, 105769.

[8] Wei, G.-Y., Planavsky, N.J., Tarhan, L.G., He, T., Wang, D., Shields, G.A., Wei, W., Ling, H., 2020. Highly dynamic marine redox state through the Cambrian explosion highlighted by authigenic δ238U records. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 544, 116361.

[7] He, T.*, Zhu, M., Mills, B.J.W., Wynn, P.M., Zhuravlev, A.Y., Tostevin, R., Pogge von Strandmann, P.A.E., Yang, A., Poulton, S.W., Shields, G.A., 2019. Possible links between extreme oxygen perturbations and the Cambrian radiation of animals. Nature Geoscience 12, 468474.

[6] Wang, D., Ling, H.-F., Struck, U., Zhu, X.-K., Zhu, M., He, T., Yang, B., Gamper, A., Shields, G.A., 2018. Coupling of ocean redox and animal evolution during the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition. Nature Communications 9, 2575.

[5] He, T.*, Zhou, Y., Vermeesch, P., Rittner, M., Miao, L., Zhu, M., Carter, A., Pogge von Strandmann, P.A.E., Shields, G.A., 2017. Measuring the ‘Great Unconformity’ on the North China Craton using new detrital zircon age data. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 448, 145159.

[4] Tostevin, R., He, T., Turchyn, A. V, Wood, R.A., Penny, A.M., Bowyer, F., Antler, G., Shields, G.A., 2017. Constraints on the late Ediacaran sulfur cycle from carbonate associated sulfate. Precambrian Research 290, 113125.

[3] Tostevin, R., Wood, R.A., Shields, G.A., Poulton, S.W., Guilbaud, R., Bowyer, F., Penny, A.M., He, T., Curtis, A., Hoffmann, K.H., Clarkson, M.O., 2016. Low-oxygen waters limited habitable space for early animals. Nature Communications 7, 12818.

[2] Tostevin, R., Shields, G.A., Tarbuck, G.M., He, T., Clarkson, M.O., Wood, R.A., 2016. Effective use of cerium anomalies as a redox proxy in carbonate-dominated marine settings. Chemical Geology 438, 146162.

[1] 何天辰*, 淩洪飛, 陳永權, 李達, 楊愛華, 王丹, 吳赫嫔, 2013. 皖南休甯藍田剖面埃迪卡拉系皮園村組矽質岩的地球化學特征及成因. 高校地質學報 19, 620633.  



2022:個人學術講座:英國倫敦大學學院LOGIC Seminar

2022:個人學術講座:Pal(a)eoPERCS (Pal(a)eo EaRly Career Seminar) 


2021:特邀報告:Goldschmidt 2021

2017:個人學術講座:英國倫敦大學伯貝克學院 Science week: geoengineering, climate change and evolution, Birkbeck



2023伟德国际1916备用网址:我院學者在國際期刊《Global and Planetary Change》上成功領銜組織論文專輯.

2020:德國每日鏡報:Deadly Sea: How Climate Change Stressed Prehistoric Oceans.



2019新華社報道:Oxygen content changes key to animal evolution during Cambrian Explosion: Study.

2019英國牛津大學地球科學學院特評Oxygen linked with the boom and bust of early animal evolution.

2019英國衛報專欄Terrawatch: oxygen feasts and famines kick-started complex life.

2019:今日俄羅斯:Siberian rocks help scientists uncover secrets of 'Cambrian explosion'.




