(Email: zhangjp@hhu.edu.cn)
2010.08-2014.06 蘭州大學,大氣科學學院,大氣科學,理學學士
2016.07-2019.05 中國科學院大氣物理研究所,客座交流
2014.09-2019.06 蘭州大學,大氣科學學院,大氣物理學與大氣環境,理學博士
2019.07-2022.12 西北農林科技大學,資源環境學院,講師
2023.01-2024.04 西北農林科技大學,資源環境學院,副教授
2024.05-至今 河海大學,伟德国际1916备用网址,副教授
[1]Zhang J, Zhao T, Zhang J, Ren Y, Li Z*. Changes in compound temperature and precipitation extremes from combined effects of multiple circulation factors over China. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 642, 131884.
[2]Liu Y, Wang W, Zhang J, Li Z*. Characteristics and sources of chemical composition in precipitation on the Loess Plateau of China. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 935, 173401.
[3]Xu C, Zhao T*, Zhang J, Hua L, Tao L. Impacts of natural and anthropogenic forcings on historical and future changes in global land surface air temperature in CMIP6–DAMIP simulations. Climatic Change, 2024, 177, 30.
[4]Zhang J, Peng S, Wang Z, Fu J, Li Z*. Daily precipitation and temperature for 2021-2050 over China: multiple RCMs and emission scenarios corrected by a trend-preserving method. International Journal of Climatology, 2023, 43, 1955–1969.
[5]Ren Y, Zhang J, Li B, Fu J, Li Z*. Projecting extreme climate events in China’s Loess Plateau: multiple RCMs and emission scenarios corrected by a trend-preserving method. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2023, 151, 739–752.
[6]Zhang J, Ren Y, Jiao P, Xiao P*, Li Z*. Changes in rainfall erosivity from combined effects of multiple factors in China’s Loess Plateau. Catena, 2022, 216, 106373.
[7]Ren Y, Zhang J*, Fu J, Peng S, Li Z*. Spatiotemporally varied extreme precipitation events simultaneously controlled by multiple circulation factors in China’s Loess Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 2022, 42(12), 6351–6372.
[8]Zhang J, Zhao T*, Li Z, Li C, Li Z, Ying K, Shi C, Jiang L, Zhang W. Evaluation of surface relative humidity in China from the CRA-40 and current reanalyses. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 2021, 38(11), 1958−1976.
[9]Zhang J, Zhao T*, Zhou L, Ran L. Historical changes and future projections of extreme temperature and precipitation along the Sichuan-Tibet Railway. Journal of Meteorological Research, 2021, 35(3), 402–415. (期刊封面)
[10]Zhang J, Zhao T*. Historical and future changes of atmospheric precipitable water over China simulated by CMIP5 models. Climate Dynamics, 2019, 52(11), 6969−6988.
[11]Zhang J, Zhao T*, Dai A, Zhang W. Detection and attribution of atmospheric precipitable water changes since the 1970s over China. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 17609.
[12]李學武,張京朋*,趙天保,李福原,趙廷甯. 我國西北地區幹濕變化特征及其未來預估. 氣候與環境研究,2024,29(1): 59–74.
[13]徐川,趙天保*,張京朋,陶麗. CMIP6模式模拟的人類活動和自然強迫對全球地表氣溫多尺度變化的影響.地球物理學報,2024,67(2): 477–491.
[14]古再麗努爾·亞森,張京朋,趙天保*. CMIP6多模式對21世紀中亞極端降水未來變化預估. 氣候與環境研究,2023,28(3): 286–302.
[15]趙倩倩,張京朋,趙天保*,李建華. 2000年以來中國區域植被變化及其對氣候變化的響應. 高原氣象,2021,40(2): 292–301.
[16]蘇布達,孫赫敏,李修倉,李振傑,張京朋,王豔君,黃金龍,高妙妮,姜彤,司麗麗*. 氣候變化背景下中國陸地水循環時空演變. 大氣科學學報,2020,43(6): 1096–1105.
[17]張京朋,郭燕玲,曲宗希,楊飛躍,李海飛,張文煜*. 半幹旱區激光雷達反演參數k值的深入研究. 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版),2016,52(05): 639–643.
[18]趙豔茹,張京朋,郭燕玲,馬翼甯,吳憲初,馬永敬,張文煜*. 幹旱半幹旱區不同下墊面邊界層特征分析. 蘭州大學學報(自然科學版),2015,51(04): 539–545.
[19]宋嘉堯*,張京朋,曲宗希,張文煜. 微脈沖激光雷達反演半幹旱區氣溶膠消光系數方法. 中國沙漠,2015,35 (04): 971–976.
[20]黨張利,張京朋,曲宗希,趙慧,張北鬥*,張文煜. 微波輻射計觀測數據在降水預報中的應用. 幹旱氣象,2015,33(2): 340–343.
[10]2020年,High-quality reviewer award for Journal of Meteorological Research;
[2]國際期刊International Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences編委;
[3]Climatic Change, International Journal of Climatology, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Journal of Meteorological Research等期刊審稿人.